Privacy Policy
CouponsMoon: Our Privacy Policy with your interests at heart
At we are committed in protecting your privacy. Any information that you impart to us is used in a responsible manner with the aim of making your experience with us a better one.
Coupons Information Policy
We solicit subscriptions to our newsletters with the sole intent to provide our customers information related to the services and benefits available at Our marketing process involves the use of services like Google ad words and various elements of Google’s marketing facilities. Google’s cookie based system helps us to post advertisements on user sites that may have at any time visited or attempted to click on an application within our websites. However a user is free to opt out of this system with the help of Google’s privacy policy.
At we strive to gain a customer’s trust and hence it is our duty to provide customers an open policy that governs our terms and conditions. Once you visit our website and process any application, we solicit information from you through our cookie based follow up system which helps us to improve in devising ways and means to provide you an improved experience on our website.
Personalized Services
We attempt personalized services that will be specific to your relevant needs. Your activity and choice of categories help us in providing you with information on similar relevant categories specific to your shopping activity thus saving you precious time.
Improvement and expansion of website:
Your feedback and your information relating to your activity help us to gauge customer’s needs and requirement which may not feature on our site. Thus it helps us grow with features that are beneficial to you.
In order to keep you abreast of our regular offers and promotional campaigns we solicit your subscription to our periodical newsletter. Your email also helps us respond to complaints, queries and provide information related to the status of your purchases on our site. You are at liberty too unsubscribing from our newsletter whenever you wish to do so.
Customer security and .protection of consumer information observes a strict privacy policy that centers on the customers’ needs. Hence we adopt various security policies and measures to protect all your personal data from leaking out to third party sites.
How does our privacy policy relate to the use of cookies?
As all web users know cookies enable the collection of ones data once any activity has been attempted on any site. Once cookies are enabled, information from your computer system is imparted to our site through your web browsing activity. The reason for our use of cookies is to understand your activity, the choices you make and your preferences which are then saved so that your future activity on our sites bears more relevance to your needs.
CouponsMoon does no impart information to third parties
Your information is perfectly safe with us. We do not engage in any commercial activity related to your information. Instead our website helps you protect all of your personal information restricting it within the confines of our website. However As in all business activity we do have our own trusted relationships with certain parties acting as vendors, suppliers and managers and representatives on our behalf. Your information is shared only with these parties acting as our representatives however they are restricted through our terms and conditions to use your information for sole benefit of Information about anonymous visitors and those who cannot be identified can be shared with our partner sites for the purpose of advertising.
CouponsMoon reserves the right to advertise third party services
We may sometimes provide information or promote third party services on our sites. However it is up to the customer’s sole discretion whether to respond to such services. In event of doing so does not take responsibility for the privacy policies and promotional measures adopted by such third parties.
Child protection and children’s security
In relation to the Children’s online privacy protection act, is in toil compliance with the laws governing activity of minors. As such our policies and activity are related only to those above the age of 13. No information or data is retrieved from anyone below that age.
Terms of Consent and Usage
Our terms of usage state that when you visit and utilize our website, you automatically allow us to follow your browsing activity for information that can be used by us and our partners for the purpose of promotional campaigns that benefit you. We will respect your personal information and ensure it remains within our sites only. You as a customer reserve the right to exit from our process at any time. You can also disable your browser’s cookie setting s to ensure a lockdown of your information.